About Us


Our Website

MakingofaMogul.com is a global network specifically designed to allow fashion curators to showcase their portfolios to prospective clients and other professionals around the world. Our multifaceted creation reflects versatility carried out by its resourceful and ambidextrous staff.

Our unique search engine allows viewers to narrow their search for a designer, stylist, model, and or photographer by member number, location, and category. Distinctively, our website also serves as a fashion social media website. It allows professional designers, models, stylists, and photographers to post comments on our features and network with one another.

We have added various unique options to our page. Our goal is to provide an enjoyable experience to our visitors. We show prominence to designers, stylists, models, celebrities and more by featuring editorials and commentaries; created by our proficient journalists. Our articles entail an in depth depiction of the subject, including past, present, and future events, pictures and other fine points.

As an added bonus, shopping is facilitated for our clients via our website www.ShopMoam.com. Shopmoam is a user friendly addition to our website that allocates featured designer collections. ShopMoam.com accommodates the designer and consumer by selling products directly to the client via the site.

Making of Mogul.com showcases talent from all over the world. We embolden International diversity and hope to manifest our visions in unison via the multi-functional website. Our intentions is to come forward with a bold statement about our passion. We have diligently pieced it all together with the hopes that our viewers get our message. Welcome to MakingofaMogul.com!


Meet The Crew

Damian Corbett:: CEO/Founder

Damian Corbett is the founder and CEO of Making of a Mogul, LLC. Damian is a marketing and advertising executive who also has an extensive background in sales. A recognized member of FGI (Fashion Group International). He is the Marketing and Advertising Director of MoaM. Damian is currently attending UCLA for Marketing. 


Toutou Ly:: Buyer for SHOPMOAM

Toutou Ly is the buyer for SHOPMOAM. She received her B.A. in Media Studies and minor in Psychology from The Pennsylvania State University in 2012. After pursuing her interest in the fashion industry through various jobs and internships in New York City, she joined the MoaM family in 2013. She is now able to enjoy her lifelong dream of being in and around one of the fashion capitals of the world. Her favorite designer is Alexander Wang.



Alana Kuwabara:: Contributing Writer

Grace Napoleon:: Contributing Writer

Jaclyn Saumell:: Contributing Writer

Joshua Grant:: Contributing Writer

Lisa J. Springsteel:: Contributing Writer

Tatiana Johnson:: Social Media and Marketing Coordinator



Amber Spin

Natalie Pointek

Agent Provocateur Christmas

featured article

A Glance at MOAM's Stars

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